If you’re sick of hearing about self-care and have already started internally bitching at the title of this article, I can’t say that I blame you. I’m admittedly skeptical of some tips (looking at you, jade vagina egg), but while it’s easy to grumble about new-age, snake-oil bullshit attempting to capitalize on a movement that millennials actually care about, there’s obviously a real need for self-care. If there wasn’t a demand out there, self-care wouldn’t have soared to a $10+ billion industry over the last decade.
I know that this might not seem like a topic well-suited to my blog, and you’re probably wondering what the fuck I, an anxiety-ridden mess of a human,* could possibly offer in the way of useful advice. Rest assured - I’m not here to tell you to take a bubble bath or wash your face more often. Relaxing and recharging is all well and good, but I’m more interested in the type of self-care that empowers, the kind that boosts your self-confidence and gives you the energy to conquer the world.
“Do you believe in ghosts?”
It’s a fun icebreaker question, and it’s one that I get asked a lot. I’m not surprised that people wonder; I’m an unapologetic - some might say rabid - fan of paranormal investigative shows. I’ve watched every episode of Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, and Buzzfeed Unsolved, as well as some terrible, straight-to-Netflix shows I can’t remember the name of. You know the type: interviews with wack-a-doos that look like they were filmed in the 1980s and spooky re-enactments with real low production values. I can’t get enough of that stuff. The screech of a spirit box, the shrill of an EMF meter - those are my jam. So yeah, it sure seems like I should be somebody who believes in ghosts. Can you feel those eyes on the back of your neck? The fine hairs standing up, goosebumps prickling under the weight of that gaze?
Relax. It's just me. I didn't meant to scare you. Everything's fine, just keep looking at your screen and allow me to introduce myself. |
AuthorSarah Fettke is an aspiring horror author from Kansas City, Missouri. This is a place to collect her explorations of the queer, peculiar, and strange. Archives
November 2020